Monday, April 14, 2008

Science Galore!

Today was an unusual day, I think. It has been hard to tell lately. Anyway, when we got up, Mom wanted us out of the RV so people could work on it, so around we went to a botanical garden (that is a herb garden I think), but Mom was hungry so we stopped at a brewery. I thought I would try the local bratwurst (while Mom had a burger and Sarah had fish and chips), but I didn't think it tasted that good. After checking out the gardens (boring, but I am not interested in herbs) we went to a science museum. It had a very interesting exhibit about memory, so we had a lot of fun. Afterwards we headed back and played for the rest of the night.


P.S. I was trying to remember when I had done my final practice math, but I don't remember so I will put the final reports here.

English: 95%
Math: 93%

1 comment:

Mel said...

Dave, those are awesome scores.... if you'd like, we can draw up a fancy Diploma, with gold leaf and curly cues, and such... oh, wait, it is the Sierra Institute for Research and Development -- hmmm..sounds to formal for curly cues and gold leaf... how about some pine needles glued to a piece of construction paper... LEt me know if that'll suffice.

Meanwhile, you are the youngest guy I have ever know graduating at 15.5 yrs...way to go!