Sunday, April 27, 2008

(4/25/08) Finishing Laundry and Starting Writing

Note: I have gotten a suggestion that I should put down the date I am writing about, and say it from the point of view that I just finished up that night. I will start doing that

Okay, this journal keeping is harder than I thought. Maybe it is because of the fact that we are not going anywhere. Oh well. Today we were actually at home all day. First I went and finished all of the laundry. Mom was very thrilled about that because we had purchased a DVD set about how to write better. I wasn't extremely pleased about that because I don't like writing that much. Once I saw it though it was very interesting, and I enjoyed this part of the series. We relaxed fo rthe rest of the day (I did work on math, but that isn't that interesting and will probably only be mention in passing from here on).


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