Saturday, May 17, 2008

(5/15/08) Rushing More

Note: Yesterday, we did not do anything special. We had just lazed about so I will not make another page just so here is the more important today

Today we visited Mount Rushmore! First we got some audio wands to listen to more information, then started walking (for images, Mom will put up pictures of the trip (or trips if there are more) in her blog). First we passed into a row of state flags, that had every state in the United States! We looked at the museum describing the history of (and jokes about) Mount Rushmore. Afterwards, we all ate lunch at the nearby cafe, then Sarah sat and looked at the famous monument, while the rest of the family explored a thirty-minute walk path that explained nearly everything about the mountain and a small, if sweet history of the presidents. Afterwards we headed back and enjoyed the thought about the great things the amazing men had done.


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