Sunday, March 30, 2008

Today's Post

Now, today's post. Today was mostly spent fixing up mistakes and, for me, watching a show called Crime 360. This show was about how police officers use high tech devices to catch criminals. It is very good. Anyway, Mom had come back around one and we watched some more shows together and then I was sent to The Cockroach Motel (that is what I called the laundry room) to finish the drying that I had missed yesterday. While waiting for everything to dry I had set up a post on Malkoff Grand Adventure to get more people to visit. When I get back I am supposed to take a shower, then have dinner. I've got to check on the laundry so bye!



Don said...

I'm happy to finally get the address of your blog site so I can follow your adventures. Its great that you were able to visit the aircraft carier and the Space Center. The bugs in the laundry room were probably June bugs not Dune bugs. There are some very good seafood restuarants in the area. Have you had any good sushi lately?
Love, Grandpa

MargeTheMaven said...

I'm remembering meeting your family at Rosh HaShanah in Eureka -- glad to know you're all still on the road!
-- Marge

Unknown said...

sounds like you are all having a good time and surviving many new experiences. We miss you and can't wait to see you. keep enjoying this wonderful time together.
Barbara Sherman

eliespitz said...

Hi Dave,
I enjoyed reading your blog. You have a gift for self-expression.
The road is work and a great adventure. I look forward to reading more of your unfolding experiences.
Happy trails.
Your rabbi, Elie

susan said...

Wow, Dave, this is very cool. I'm so happy to be able to follow your daily adventures. I'll look forward to reading it every day. I'll make sure Logan checks it out as well.

Love, Susan

P.S. Love to your mom and Sarah, too.

Sharman said...

Dave, I enjoyed reading your blog. Your writing is succinct and interesting; I liked reading about the trip from your perspective. As a side note; a lot of other states have more bugs than California and I hope you learn to accept them as friendly members of our eco-system, rather than be creeped out by them. If you are in a state with a lot of
mosquitoes you need to be sure to put on repellant.

Talk to you soon, Sharman

Mel said...

OK, Dave, I've read the rest of them... and it's nice to read your perceptions of the trip... certainly it is a different 'voice' and style from Mom. Keep up the writing... we'll probably have to give you Extra Credit in Language Arts for all of this extra work.... "Write On!!"

Unknown said...

Well, I didn't check my email for a few eeks, so I didn't get the URL for your blog until just a few minutes ago. I'll be checking back, and I think it'll be interesting to read about stuff from your view!

Xaven said...

Thanks for everyone to checking out my blog. Now person comments:
Logan and Susan Clardy (His Mom): Thanks for looking at the blog!
Dad: Yahoo! Extra credit! (P.S. I love you)
Sharmin: I'll keep that in mind, but June bugs are BIG!
Rabbi Spitz: Thanks, and say hi to your son for me!
Grandpa: Thanks and not yet on the sushi, but I will soon!